
I’ve done something hideous to my back!  Sob… sob…

Not sure what I’ve done to flare it up. but last night at work, around 9pm,, I just seemed to jam up, and was literally unable to stand or sit properly for the next two hours… Not fun being on the phone with annoying customers when you can’t think straight due to acute pain issues… and I am fairly confident the half a dozen pain killers and couple of anti inflammatories I took weren’t helping in the whole ability to concentrate thing…..

Customer#72:  Hi my wireless broadband doesn’t seem to be working.. it was working fine this morning at home, but not I’m at my daughter’s house and it doesn’t want to connect… the little light is out on the thingy …. is that important?!?

HelpDesk Chickie:  No problem, we’ll just look up your account for you and see what’s going on…….Errrr….  You account is showing that you have an ADSL account with a wifi modem, which is a local home network type of internet connection…. it only gives you wireless access when your PC is radio range of your wireless router….about 30meters or so?!?!   😐

Grrrrr… sick to death of bad back crap… was going to spend today – my day off doing house stuff and maybe going to lunch with my Mum, but now all I want to do is curl up and go back to bed  🙁

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