Worst Mom Ever :(

The Goddamn Fucking ToothFairy!!!
Hopeless, I’m absolutely hopeless!  Yesterday afternoon while I was at work, Angel lost a tooth that had been wiggling for the last week or so…. which naturally ought necessitate a visit from the ToothFairy… if you’re Mom’s on top of her game that is!

I know!  Pathetic… absolutely, unequivocally pathetic!!!  And I’ve no decent excuse to offer… Mr K put Angel to bed last night and had him put the offending item in a strange little turtle shaped tooth container (Canadians eh?), and then I went out for the evening and (not surprisingly 😉 totally forgot about the whole thing!!

Personally I’ve always found the concept of the ToothFairy more than just a little disconcerting…. I mean, how creepy is it?  You loose a tooth, and then some kleptomanic bint with too much disposable income comes and takes the thing away, leaving  you a hopefully fiscally beneficial token of sorts.  I imagine the ToothFairies (for I am convinced if there is one – there must be many) are like first cousins to Tinkerbell or something, and can envisage them tresspassing on our property, helping themselves to teeth…  :S    But what happens if they start to fancy the ones still in your head?  Or maybe decide that your iPod looks cool, or they might help themselves to other stuff???  How can you protect yourself from them?  Run away…run away!!!

fairy sparkling blonde windswept

But the real question is what is the money for?  Why?  Is it to compensate for trauma, pain and suffering during the tooth loosing process?  Or is it remuneration for having grown the tooth in the first place?  I just don’t get it…..

But….. seeing that it’s one of those socially acceptable deceptions we practice on our children with alarming regularity… who am I to buck the system???  Poor Angel has been duly informed that ToothFairy Pty Ltd mustn’t have heard about his new gaptoothed smile, and that we’ll send their head office an email today so they can send someone tonight   😐

Tell me what you think