Crumplery goodness

I’m starting to orgy-nize myself for my trip to Turkey and one of the things I need to sort (other than the obvious – flights, tour bookings, accommodation, visas etc) is… luggage…. I need to be able to carry all my stuff myself which, with my interesting back incapacities, means forcing myself to travel as light as possible.  I’ve decided that I’m taking only a 40L pack which is barely the size of a largish day pack.  It might mean I have to do laundry more often… but relatively, it’s a pretty short trip… so hopefully I’ll get by.  When I went to Europe years ago, I had a 75L pack for a 6 month trip, but I had a lot of difficulty carrying it… and the more stuff you can fit in your pack, the more stuff you tend to fit in your pack!!!!  Ultimately, it was just too heavy for my back, so am thinking this revised more cunning plan will hopefully alleviate the tendency to overpack (and maybe even curb the tendency to overshop!….  though that’s not really likely is it? 🙂

I also need some sort if day pack that I can carry at the same time… and I’ve decided that I am going to get one of those groovy, schexy and uber tough Crumpler messenger bags… I always think stuff like this is a bit  too trendy for me  (I’ve never really been one for fashion… give or take a Skipping Girl bag or five!)  but they’ve got one the right size that will serve the purpose… and they so what the hell !  Only problem is they don’t seem to come in pink… sacrilege darh-link!  what to do?  what to do?  🙂

.Maybe the bright colours will distract from the blonde hair in eastern Turkey 😐

Tell me what you think