Ebay II

A little while back down I scribbed something about how my I had my sister’s ebay login saved on my computer and about how I added a bunch of strange stuff to BigSal’s ebay watch list.  Anyway I was looking around today for a My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult CD online, and having no success, I tried Ebay and stumbled on … you’ll never believe it.., a pair of diamante encrusted handcuffs.  Now who do you suppose has a use for such a thing, being neither totally utilitarian nor entirly ornamental?  As it is, they seem to be of such cheap and nasty origin, that no doubt they dont serve either discipline particularly well… So, having discovered something so deliciously tacky… I naturally I thought I’d better check to see if BigSal had finally changed her Ebay password… nope !!!  Does she never learn???

Took me all of 2.3 minutes to find some more strange stuff to add to her Ebay watch list, (there’s hours of entertainment in this i”m sure of it 🙂  If any has some links to some truly bizarre Ebay offerings, make sure you send me a link… this time round, I’ve added the aforementioned cheap and nasty diamante encrusted handcuffs, a fairy floss maker, a tin of apple tea and a book of macrame patterns :)…..  wonder how much crap I can post in there before she finally changes her password !!!


Tell me what you think