
My day has been really ordinary.  Started this morning when it took about 40 minutes to drive to the Gabba instead of the normal 15 (didn’t know the cricket was on) on my way to the Qld Computer Group.  Got to the Gabba and saw a pedestrian hit by a car – happen right in front of me.  It was awful, and I am so glad the little guy was looking out the other side of the car when it happened. Pulled over and made Angel stay in the car.  Police and ambulance were called, and the guy was just lying on the road unconscious.  Cops arrived within about two minutes (they were all over the Gabba cos of the cricket), took eveyone’s details and told us to bugger off.  By the time I got to the QCG I was already a bit frazzled and shellshocked.  Found out they don’t actually stock the SD card that they advertised on their website, and they never did, they tried to fob me off with an inferior brand, which you can imagine impressed me no end.  Came home, wrote a complaint to the Office of Fair Trading about dodgy advertising techniques from nasty purveyor of computer bits, which of course will have no effect whatsoever.  After that I found one of those registered mail things in the letter box, made a special trip out to the post office to pick up what I thought was going to be the insurance cheque for the stolen computer, but was some stupid voucher thing.  Came home (again) and thought I’d try to relax for a bit with a DVD over lunch time while I embroidered on my pouch.  DVD was one I had purchased this week, and when I went to put it on, I found it has a unremovable security device in it (under the shrink wrap – go figure) that prohibits you from opening the case so I have to take that back to the store now to get it removed.  Starting to really feel like every little thing is deliberately trying to piss me off at today.  Grrrrrr!!!!   So add all that and crying baby (love it when  BigSal drops in unexpectedly) to the head ache I have had since yesterday, and it does not a happy chickie make.  Evening isn’t shaping up much better, am still babysitting for BigSal until about middnight, and have just found out that the Lord Byron gig i was planning on going to late tonight ( has been cancelled – so shaping up for a boring night.
After writing this just after lunch, BigSal convinced me to go out shopping with her – Revlon sale  😐  Never one to miss a twofer on nailpolish I went with her to Carindale for a bit.  Went shopping, bought a couple of new nailpolishes and some new lingerie, which normally improves ones day considerably but today couldn’t make a dent!  🙂 
The insurance cheque had arrived just as I was leaving the house so there’s was even more running around done this afternoon, delivering said cheque to a different, hopefully more reliable and less dodgy,
purveyor of computer bits. Think I am still a bit shaken from witnessing accident this morning too.

In all… have had stupidly busy day in which very little was accomplished.  Situation is pretty dire – need to figure out how to unclench teeth and need wine …. lots of wine….    😐

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