
Well, didn’t this weekend take an interesting yet aggravating turn. After such a big night out at the Zombie Pary, we never made it to the tourney yesterday afternoon. I got a “where are you call” from Flip during the tourney, but we did get our acts together to make it to the feast last night. The event was fine, the food was lovely, and even though the hall is too small for that many people, it was quite a good night. We ended up leaving early as I STILL had my headache that had been resisting drugs all day 🙂 self inflicted I know!

Brekkie this morning was supposed to be at BigSal’s and Surly’s place, but *(long boring story omitted) it was changed to be at the Jazzy Cat instead. Brekkie was fun, I sat with Big Sal and Dr Nick, and Hubby got to stir N&D a bit about the RH Baronial thing, so he was having fun too. They had some Big Day O Hitting Each Other With Sticks planned, so made arrangements to have dinner at my place tonight. Decided to make my SpagBog for dinner, and was having DrNick, MrC and Flip over. Around 4pm, I texted Flip to find out exactly what time I was expecting them to arrive. He called me around 5.30pm and cancelled. Not Happy Jan… Dinner was already cooked, they should have cancelled earlier. We’re going to be eating Bog for a fortnight!

You know, I think I am a very good friend to Flip, and when we are in the same geographical location, I devote a lot of time and energy to hanging out with him. I try to be supportive when he is having problems, or when he just wants someone to talk to. As his consort, I come along when I can to be supportive, and have no expectations. It occurs to me that he only devotes time to me when it suits him – ie: there is nothing better on the horizon to occupy him. He expects all sorts of consideration from me, but doesn’t reciprocate. It is obvious that he doesn’t particularly value my friendship the way I thought.

This is just like when I went to Spring War last year, he seemed all keen to see me, kept saying he was looking forward to hanging out together… but when I got there, he only had time for Grrr. But that is okay, I understood that and didn’t give it another thought… though you can be sure I would have heard about it if the boot was on the other foot. Like when I went out to dinner with RaCeY when I was in CBR last year, my God the guilt trip Flip laid on me for having the audacity to arrange something that didn’t include him!

I am very disappointed that he has treated me in such an offhand manner, and will have to leave it a few days to calm down before trying to talk to him about it, or I am likely to lose my temper.

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