What on earth?

Another fun afternoon. My sister came over today to tell me that she is concerned about my marriage. Though why the fuck she thinks it is any of her business I’ll never know. The nuts and bolts of it was that she decided she had to come and tell me that I NEEDED to give up on IVF and having more children all together. In her infinite wisdom, she felt that I was going to destroy my marriage if I continued to pursue it. Oh, and the kicker that everyone seems to be sprouting at me lately – ‘You should be happy with what you have.’

I SHOULD be happy with my life.
I should BE happy with my life.
I should be HAPPY with my life.

But for some reason that defies logic, I want more. I couldn’t believe it. She has no idea what goes on between me and Hubby, no one does. I can honestly say that my marriage is just about the only thing in my life I am NOT worried about. My reaction was not great – I am sure I could have exercised a bit more tact and diplomacy than my ‘get your shit together and get the fuck out of my house’ response. I dont expect her to understand what I have been through, and I dont expect her to understand how I feel, but for her to sit in my house, with her baby at her feet, and one on the way, and tell me that I should just be happy with what I have pissed me off like you wouldn’t believe. It is so easy for her to sit there and say that we should be accepting of our individual situations, when she is happily reaping everything she wants with little of no effort.

Given that they all say they dont have any idea what it is like to deal with infertility, why is it that everyone feels so free to tell me what I SHOULD be doing about it.

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