How fucking hard is this?
Buy a bag.
Bag arrives dodgy – damaged packaging, damp product with mould present.
Email loosely labeled ‘Customer Service’ department.
Emails get ignored.
Email some more people.
Eventually call international ‘Customer Service Hotline’.
Get someone of no authority and who was thoroughly useless.
Try to arrange replacement.
Argue about $AU45 postage to return damaged bag.
Get assured they’ll reimburse postage on presentation of receipt.
Find out cost of bag was credited to Visa even though replacement was requested.
Note that bag was ‘recharged’ back to Visa when replacement was dispatched.
Australian dollar dropped from US.091c to US.082c causing significant additional cost
Email again to more so called ‘Customer Service’ representatives.
Get no response…. again
Try online ‘Customer Service Representatives’ demand to escalate problem.
Promise from people that ‘Executive Services’ would call me to discuss.
Four days later and no such phone call.
No more international shopping for me for a while. 🙁 Damn dollar. and a curse on the house of NIEMAN MARCUS!!!

NB – This image is not intended as an homage
or state preference of any kind for this particular
‘artist’ but rather just a humorous depiction of the
vagaries of the international currency market! 😛