When in Rome…

I am preparing for our next big holiday to the US and just saw a video of some chicks being harassed by local law enforcement officers in Missouri for legally open carrying hand guns at a Walmart store.  Curiosity got the better of me and I thought I better learn the lay of the land a bit better, so I don’t inadvertently run afoul of local authorities regarding laws I know nothing about – I started out sensibly enough… looking up open carry laws in Missouri and kinda got looped into reading up on bizarre, odd or downright weird and obscure laws that are still in effect in various US states.  I discovered many things that might have had profound impact on my holiday –

in Utah, having sex with animals is illegal – but only if you do it for money
in Maryland, it is illegal to mistreat oysters – but they don’t define ‘mistreat’  O_o
in Georgia, it is against the law to use profanity in front of a corpse
in Arizona, cutting down a cactus is punishable by 25yrs in prison
in Eureka, Nevada, it’s illegal for men with moustaches to kiss women (men?)
in Texas, it is against the law to sell your eyeballs
in Ohio it is illegal to get a fish drunk
in North Carolina it is illegal to sing off-key and bingo games may not exceed 5 hrs
in Quitman, Georgia, chicks are NOT permitted to cross the road
in Washington it is illegal to have sex with animals weighing more than 40lbs
in Arizona it is illegal to own more than two sex toys
in Maine, it is illegal to sell a car on Sundays – motorhomes are okay, though
in Idaho a man cannot give his gf a box of candy weighing more than 50lbs
in Woburn, Massachusetts it is illegal to stand and hold an alcoholic beverage
in Gainesville Georgia, the only legal way to eat fried chicken is with your hands
in Memphis, Tennessee, legislation exists that requires a man to walk in front of a car waving a red flag if it is driven by a woman.

but the one that is really going to put a damper on our holiday is that it is illegal to fall asleep in a cheese factory in South Dakota!

Damn… going to have to adjust our itinerary now.

outrageous and bizarre laws

Tell me what you think