Someone like you…

I went for a job interview this afternoon, and it was unlike any job interview I’ve ever had… I barely said ‘boo’ and the two persons interviewing me talked a mile a minute!  The job is very different from what I’m doing now… no more answering random phone calls and trying to solve the world’s internets problems by phone.  It’s an Accounts Manager position which is predominantly a liaison type role between clients and certain internal production teams.  More responsibility than Goliath, better pay of course, but the most appealing thing about the position – it’s not in the CBD – good bye expensive parking!

It was the weirdest interview ever – if  I don’t count my interview with Guz at ‘Magitec where I rocked up in my jeans and sneakers and ten minutes later had a job.  These guys literally were saying they wanted more Gen X people in the company, and were actually complaining to me about the work ethic of the 20 somethings these days!   I wonders how many discrimination laws that breaches…  😐

And the manager who holds the position directly senior to the vacancy actually said to me – ‘We don’t have anyone like you working here at the moment.’   Begs the question – what is like me?  And how on earth does someone know what  like me is after all of 20mins acquaintance?  Hmmm… desperately wanted to ask, but likely the question could come across as accusatory, and it’s not really recommended that you get the interviewers off side in these situations!

As it turns out they must have wanted someone exactly like me 😐  for the position, as I got a phone call a couple of hours later offering me the job.

who'd give a job to someone like me

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