Uncharacteristically quiet.

Have you ever had the feeling that you’re bugging out of your head and the world is spinning out of control and you can’t seem to make any sense of it?

Your emotions are all over the place and there is so much going on and you can’t see where the future is going and it’s exciting, but disconcerting, and potentially thrilling, and alarming all at the same time?

Additionally, I really have no idea who is really reading this lately, so I feel disinclined to share at the moment.  Which is really weird, because blogging is all about sharing, and there’s not much that has been sacred that I haven’t shared here in the past!

mr worry
So, yeah… that is where I have been lately.  Needless to say it’s been hard to get my thoughts in order and I’ve been unusually quiet here for the last week or so.


2 thoughts on “Uncharacteristically quiet.

  1. Know the feeling my friend… know it all too well as it’s pretty much my constant emotional state

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