Alaska is home now.

Well, Alaska is no longer our foster charge.  There was a conversation in my house last night that went something like this:

“Some one has contacted ARQ and wants to meet Alaska next week to potentially adopt her.”
“What?!? You mean we are not keeping her?” :/

That’s right.  I’ve spent the last six weeks preparing myself for the day when Alaska had to go to her new home, and while allowing myself to become very fond of the gorgeous little girl, I have worked really hard not to get too attached.  But so much for that.

We have spent these last few weeks bringing the little girl out of her shell, one itty bitty step at a time and she’s made some enormous progress is her own quiet gentle little way – which when compared to her previous fearful, aggressive and bitey kind of way, is a really big deal!  Comparing her now to how she was when she came to us, is like looking at a totally different creature.  She’s still not running over to greet us when we come in the room, but she’s wagging her tail in excitement and you can tell she wants to.  She’s not soliciting affection from everyone around her, but she relaxes and stretches and makes herself all comfortable for a good tummy rub.  She won’t come to us when she’s called, but she will sit (extremely briefly – can’t let that bum hit the floor too long!) on command and accept treats.  She is still a long way from ‘acting like a dog’ and the puppy door may remain an overwhelming obstacle for many months to come… but she is the best little puppy farm puppy that she knows how to be for now, and gaining in confidence everyday.

And … she’s not going anywhere!

adopt in alaskaAlaska on hearing that she has been adopted… she’s so cool calm and collected!  🙂


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