Commander Chris Hadfield, currently posted on the International Space Station has a Twitter account, God bless his cotton socks, and every day he posts up the most amazing pictures of the earth from space for us mere mortals rooted on the ground to admire… and to dream about.
“Taking pictures of the Outback from space is like unearthing ancient cave paintings.”
“Tonight’s Finale Our Moon, forever to be graced by the footprints of twelve brave men.”
“Mexican volcano with airliner contrail for artistic emphasis.”
“From Ontario to Superior, the Great Lakes in mid-March, as-seen from Earth orbit.”

“A fan of sand in Oman. From space you can see which way the Omani wind blows.”

Very cool photo by Kevin Ford.”
“Happy Pi Day! The iconic Manicouagan meteor crater has a diameter of 300 km. What’s its area?”
“Crazed patchwork of farms in Central Asia,
a monochromatic 3D hallucination in the snow.”
are visible from space.”

hometown of happy crewmate Oleg Novitsky”
“Wicked geology laid bare in Northeast Africa.”
Sometimes I really love the internet and this era we are seeing in. I can’t imagine what will be possible for our kids…