Just one pain free day.

Ok, I try really fucking hard not to complain about back pain in this stupid blog, else I would be boring even me to death every single day.  But today I am OVER it.  It’s barely 10am and I am utterly and completely OVER IT!  If I didn’t have to go out to get the Small Child later today, I’d be drugged up to the eyeballs right now and just write the entire day off.

I went to sleep with my usual amount of Valium, at a usual hour and have woken up feeling so much worse than when I turned in.  My back is not just causing me pain, it is making breathing difficult as the pain is radiating around to my chest and rib cage.  The same pain feels like it is radiating up my spine and has taken residence in the top of my head, which feels very much like I have been repeatedly smacked on the back of the head with a basketball since I woke up.  My eyes are hurting for crying out loud!  Literally aching in their sockets with acute spikes in eye pain when looking in any direction other than straight ahead.  It hurts to blink and I’m not even hung over!

I’ve obviously been clenching my jaw overnight because my teeth are aching and the muscles around my jaw and face are painful and tense… which has the disconcerting side effect of making my ears feel like they are bleeding .  This in itself, is a sensation which is not at all pleasant after a few hours of it.  I’ve got pain in my lower back and in my hips, in my forearms and my wrists!  There’s a weird wtf-something-or-other going on in my right foot that is making me hobble!  My shoulder blades and collar bones are complaining if I have the audacity to move my arms!  And my neck. Holy snappin’ duck shit!  My neck seems to have forgotten that it’s primary function is to hold my head up and move it from left to right, as it is currently only doing so under extreme duress and with incredibly painful complaint!  I fucking hate my body with it’s ‘snap, crackle and pop’ every time I try to move.  It’s sending me round the bend.  Who can fucking live like this?  Constant pain and, for reasons beyond my understanding, today (just a random ‘any’ day, when I’ve not done anything to cause it) it has decided to ramp up and really test me.

And none of this is conducive to finishing my Latin assignment!

pain free day. chronic pain enough


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