All on a sesame seed bun.

Am I the only person who sees sesame seeds and just HAS to pick them up and squish them between their fingernails?  And I don’t mean just picking them up and making them go pop between the nails of your thumb and forefinger… I mean picking them up and putting it on the back of your thumbnail and applying pressure with your other thumbnail until it pops in a manner that is familiar to mother’s the world over who have ever had to groom their child for head lice?

Because there’s this thing you do every time your school sends home a notice saying that some kid has nits. You go through the procedure of checking their heads, checking their heads, checking their heads… and then the day comes when you notice with horror that there is a louse in your kids hair.  Whereupon you carry out the following procedure in this order –

1) Freak out and start scratching your own head… because ewww!
2) Douse your poor child’s head with some disgusting toxic chemical concoction
3) Half drown said child trying to wash away the disgusting toxic chemical shit
4) Comb repeatedly with itty bitty painful lice comb until your kids hair is squeaky clean…

All the while continually resisting the urge to keep scratching your own head at the very thought of it.

australian summer nits plague chemicals

And if you do happen to find a live one, then you pick it up by dragging it along the length of the hair strand and then it’s trapped between the pad of you thumb and finger… even though lice can’t jump you treat those little buggers like they’re as hard to nail down as fleas because the last thing you want is a louse in your house moving at his own recognizance!  You then carefully put it on your left thumbnail and then you squish that little fucker with your right thumbnail until you hear it go pop… because if you don’t – the little blighters don’t die!  Btw, if you don’t have kids you have all this to look forward to EVERY summer.

But I digress, because I wasn’t talking about nits, I was talking about my OCD-like compulsion to squish sesame seeds in the same way I squish nit.  Am I the only person who does this?  Do other people see sesame seeds and leave them to languish in peace on the table cloth?  Or do they happily sweep them up and discard of them thoughtfully?  Or are there other people out there who, like me, see an errant sesame seed and think that its pernicious little presence needs to be squished into oblivion?

One thought on “All on a sesame seed bun.

  1. *giggling* I like to pick the sesame seeds of the bun of a hamburger and pop them between my teeth. It is a slow process which I enjoy. It actually irritates people to watch me eat. I will think of you next time I am playing with those wonderful little seeds on my hamburger. I thought I was the only one that picked them off to pop them. I love the feeling of the way they pop when I bite them. I never thought of using my nails. I imagine it is just as fun.

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