What ARE you looking for?

Blogging is one of those weird modern day phenomena that I never imagined I would end up participating in.  It seems so counter intuitive.  Keeping diaries or journals has traditionally been an intrinsically private endeavour to allow someone to record their personal thoughts and save them to reflect on later.  So, it seems excessively odd that many of us feel compelled to write down our personal thoughts in an electronic blog/journal/diary thing and then leave them deliberately lying about on the ginormous metaphorical coffee table that is the Internets, so that any anonymous random stranger can pick them up and start flicking through your thoughts at random.

I started this blog on the suggestion of an IVF counsellor who felt my frustrations and disappointments were eating away at me at a rapid rate of knots.  She was entirely right about this if nothing else.  At the time I had an overwhelming vortex of IVF crap swirling around in my head… so I took her advice and thought I’d start a journal.  Given that I can type at 80-90wpm and handwrite at about 30wpm it seemed logical to start a blog rather than go out and stock up on Moleskines or something equally clichéd.  Initially I found it difficult to articulate how I felt (yeah, whatever scoffing away!), but eventually I convinced myself it would be cathartic to get it all out.  Over time the blogging about painful personal accounts of IVF disappointments and chronic back pain, gave way to ranting about the inequities of customer service, family disagreements, retail therapy and your average run of the mill trials and tribulations of modern day existence… at which point, I didn’t really care too much who was reading nor how they found me.

But find me they did and from the weirdest possible places.  Since switching this blog to WordPress I’ve had access to more detailed site stats which tell me how many people come read my crap (between 80-100 on an average day), but the really interesting bit is HOW they got here.  The stats also tell me what people are Google searching that land them on my drivel laden pages.  Some of these search terms are interesting, some are  hilarious and some of them are just plain weird. This is a list of the (occasionally alarming) search terms that have directed people to my blog over the last three months.

Things people Google search and end up on www.boryssnorc.com :

fast fact about pakistan
munch the scream
medieval tents
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monkeys with knives and guns
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robert downey proverbs
pattern for ken doll
goat porn
fingernail plastic surgery
af beelding timebomb
old bunny man
ortho surgeon bedside manner
clown midget with teeth
black widow fucked
stfu logo
why do people read henry james
burning g60 4wd
fucked up easter bunny
cock breath
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black grile in skert showing evrything
captain america doll
brown hairy dog
burpengary police station neighbor from hell abuse and terrify
qld firearms licence delay
dita von tesse fellation
black widow sweat
buying gold and diamonds
letters about god save the queen
cadbury drinking chocolate caramel
head lice definition
g60 patrol
avengers security guard
chupa chups calories
restrained elegance don’t get nosy
psych s01e02
auro redamant artwork
lucius vorenis
metal health
eddie izzard learning latin
winnie ille pu
fucking panis
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quiet please
dissimilar tea light holder
anzac cove trenches
viper pilot cosplay
frozen coke icon
paralysis ticks WA
cartoons greeting one another
women’s weekly 2008 pink parlour
hairy ass plugging
bedroom door signs
3d painful images with quotes
hi dear?how`s your day?
tommy trainspotting
strange zombies
world of warcraft boryssnorc
it was a really pretty meadow

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