Latin Roll Call

Latin is fun, right?  Right?  Every week the lecturer takes attendance … presumably to track the high attrition rate. He calls each students name and the student responds with ‘ADSUM’ which means ‘I am here’.  Simple enough.

Miriam? ‘ADSUM’
Zach? ‘ADSUM’
Liz? ‘ADSUM’
Robyn? ‘ADSUM’
Gina? ‘ADSUM’
Tabitha? ‘Magister, I prefer to be called Seven’
Seven? ‘Yes, as in the number’
Err, Seven? ‘ADSUM’

Seven? Seriously! I mean, seriously?!? Well, if I had known that I could have my lecturers call me anything I wanted I could have spent the last few years being addressed as Bookcase, Guacamole, Purple or maybe even, Madam President! 🙂

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