Working the list

Feels like everyday I have a list of "Stuff" to get done… .and lately feels like everyday hardly anything ever gets crossed off my damn list of "Stuff" to get done.  Some things have been sitting on the "Stuff" list for so long now the cryptic little shorthand messages I’ve left myself as reminders no longer make sense to me and I wrote them!

But after yesterday writing about how I’ve been feeling like we’re all staring into the abyss I figured I was going to accomplish SOMETHING today and there would be things getting crossed off the "Stuff" list come hell or high water!!! (No pun intended given that I’ve just heard there’s a tsunami warning for the east coast of Australia).

So today I managed to:

Pick up the dry cleaning (three days late)
Enroll in History and Literature classes at Griffith Uni
Set up a Direct Debit payment and paperless bill for Phone bills
Send Centrestink an income estimate (shrug… something to do with Family tax stuff??)
Buy scrubbing brushes and a smoke alarm for extension work
Send off for quote on brass plaque for new room
Call security dude and tell him to shove his exorbitant quote where the sun don’t shine
Complete Notice of Intention to Defend Small Claims Debt doover from Chipmunks
Reschedule specialists appointment for next week
Get quotes for timber to make Bookcases of Doom (ZOMG… this stuff ain’t cheap)

Which would be grand if that were all that were on the list.  But of course it isn’t and I’ll be back doing bullshit life administration and shopping for things I know nothing about (ie – any and every building related item we require) tomorrow!


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