And I thought shopping for groceries sucked ass!

Today I’ve been attempting to shop all day…. and what a fucking tedious and largely futile effort that has been. 

10mm or 13mm Ma’am?
Regular gyprock or Aquacheck Ma’am?
6000 or 5400  Ma’am? 
For ceilings or walls Ma’am?

Stud adhesive… 
Spray or the 900gm tube or the 5.5kg tub Ma’am?

55mm or 90mm Ma’am?
Classic, coved or contemporary Ma’am?

Cornice cement…
Is that the 45 or the 60 Ma’am?
10kgs or 20kgs Ma’am?

Cornice tape…
Is that the Paper Tape of the Easy Tape Ma’am?
75m rolls or 90m rolls Ma’am?

Steel corners…
How many internal and how many external corners Ma’am?
2400mm or 1800mm Ma’am?

Will you be requiring Base coat, top coat, Easy Finish Coat, Jointmaster, Easy Flow, Masonry Adhesive, Spray Adhesive, Fire Mastic, Gap Filler….   FAAARRRKKK!!!

And that was before I started on the mortar/cement and electrical shite….

General Purpose, lime based, bleached or rendering Ma’am?
Do you require mortar dye with that Ma’am?

Sand (stupid me… fancy thinking sand is just sand)….
Will that be regular Brickie’s loam or B2 sand Ma’am? 

100m of 3 wire white electrical cable…
Do you need 2.5 twin and earth Ma’am?
Is that 10, 15 or 20AMP Ma’am?

100m of 2 wire lighting cable…
Is that the 1.5 twin and earth Ma’am?
red and black one Ma’am?

and so it went on and on and on…. Coax cable, ethernet cable (1000ft to the roll???), gang plates, power points, light switches.  Sick to death of fucking shopping failures today.

But all was well with the world when I stopped in at David Jones late this afternoon on a whim and found that the Mor Belladonna Body Butter which was supposed to hit shelves in April had finally turned up and my faith in retail therapy was renewed   🙂

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