Now I know it’s sometimes difficult to read between the lines in a conversation. Especially when talking with those ever changeable and inconsistent people… you know the type… women. 🙂 So I do sympathize and usually try to allow a little lee-way when I know I must be speaking ‘Girl’ and therefore not being properly understood but just in case any of those male persons of my acquaintance need any Cliff Notes here they are –
Q: Hi Dear… How was your day?
A: Awful. My back hurts real bad… 🙁
You poor thing! Come here and I’ll give you a nice long massage.
What’s for dinner?
A: I’m really tired and stupid sore… 😐
Leave that… get yourself a heat pack and a cuppa.
Have you seen my phone/wallet/pants/bills/keys/other-shit-I-should-look-after-myself?
A: Same as usual. I’m in pain… LOTS of pain 🙁
I’ll pick all those things up off the bathroom floor for you.
Have you finished prepping the Small Child for his school talk?
A: Fucked… lots of drugs and totally sick of being in pain.
Don’t wory about dinner tonight, we’ll just forage on leftovers.
What do you mean you didn’t take the Small Child to soccer training?
A: Not tonight… I’ve overdone it today and I can’t breathe.
How about we cuddle up and watch a movie then.
Mumble fuck, mumble fuck, mumble fuck…