Waiting for the projectile pea soup vomit.

I’ve got a new watch but think it’s dreadfully wasteful to throw out the old one so I thought I’d try and find a watch repairer who would know what to do with an Eco Drive watch that appeared to have given up the ghost.  Luckily there is one such a man in Brisbane and even luckier still… he’s on this side of town about 10 mins drive from my place.

I picked up the watch in question which hasn’t worked for about two months and took it to the little guy in Buranda and by the time I got into his office and was about to hand over the watch I noticed that damn thing was ticking!!!  So not only did it hear Mr K when he threatened to replace it but I think it heard me say I was going to take it to a specialist to pull it apart!!!

I think the fucking thing is haunted.  Either that or it’s some sort of creepy mind-reading watch that’s possessed by evil spirits.

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