The following message may contain superfluous verbosity that may be distressing to some viewers.

Recent studies into the health benefits of various coitus related endeavours, in particular the precise calorie burning potential of individual movements, acts and exertions has uncovered some interesting statistics.  However research on this topic appears to be somewhat sporadic and unreliable and as such should be treated as inconclusive .   The veracity of the exact calorie burning capacity of each of the detailed activities claimed below has yet to confirmed.  As such it is highly recommended that in the absence of more scientificly precise data, interested parties are eperform independent studies taking into account individual circumstances to allow for more peronally quanitifable data sets to be determined. 

Oh dear God … I am so bored this morning… 

Need.  People.  To.  Talk.  To.

……before the internets drive me crazy.

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