I never knew how much damage Chipmunks could do in a day!

There was Chipmunks… I don’t know how many they were as they were all wearing the same shirts (until one of them took his off… grrrr… like a tiger!) and they never stood still long enough for me to count them! 

But there seemed to be heaps of them and they were everywhere hurrying about in an industrious confident manner.  The Chipmunks they came… they weilded manly noisesome power tools and climbed tall trees in a single bound … and heaved huge logs as big as …  umm…  tree trunks  :S   all the way up to the street where they threw them into the machine from hell that gobbled everything up before reguritating it into the back of a truck and now the place looks somewhat… ummm altered.

This morning…

This afternoon…

Oh!  And I discovered the people who we’ve been living next door to for the last decade have a patio, a cubby house and severl HUGE palm trees in their back yard that I’ve never seen before!   It looks terrible but I keep telling myself it’s all for a good cause.

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