Roll Over Beethoven… uh, I mean Jane Austen!!!

A few weeks ago I stumbled onto an online book store webpage promoting a new book that is coming out called "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies".  At the time I (and no doubt many others) was hopeful that it would yet turn out to be a hoax of one sort or another.  As time has marched inexorably onwards, it seems less and less likely that it is an elaborate joke of questionable taste… and it appears more and more to be an actual publication that will indubitably cause a most pernicious assault on the sensibilities of every Austen fan worldwide!

No.  It is quite beyond our control and ’tis all together too shocking to contemplate.  Hopefully the purveyors of this filth will have the good sense to include a small bottle of smelling salts with each copy that the reader will inevitably require to revive themselves once they have been completely undone by the horrors which no doubt await one in this literary abomination!

PS – Preorder your copies here   🙂


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