Straight down the “S” bend….

On to the next letter, soon I’ll be finished and then will have nothing to try and wheedle positive thoughts out of my depressed and drug fucked little brain…. so it’ll be back to Borys and her normal sunny disposition!

Okay… maybe not.

List of 10 Things I Like That Start With “S….

1.   Soft days – some days I wake up and my skin feels ultrasoft it’s fantastic
2.   Snakes Alive – love lolly snakes and the yellow ones are the best
3.   Scrabble – but hardly anyone will play with me
4.   Sadler teapots – they’re so gaudy they’re fabulous… it’s inexplicable
5.   Sex – wait… should I have put that at the top of the list?*
6.   Swing Dancing – aerobics without the sweat junkies and gym clothes
7.   Stirring the pot – I know I shouldn’t but sometimes I can’t help myself
8.   Sopranos – woke up this morning… got yourself a gun…
9.   Schadenfreude – it was always thus:  ‘pain + distance = humour’
10. Super Glue – good for fixing broken nails, sticking fiddly accoutrements down on the Small Child’s toys so they don’t come apart and end up underfoot.  Also handy for sealing cuts in the kitchen and all sorts of other useful stuff.

Sadler teapot*wonders what that says about you… putting teapots before sex!!

List of 10 Things I Hate or Dislike That Start With “S”

1.   Side effects – sometimes the side effects seem worse than the symptoms
2.   Spam email – like every other sensible human on the planet, I don’t like it
3.   Spiderwebs – hate walking into one, but at 5’ it rarely happens anyway
4.   Sales people – real estate agents, car salesman and tupperware nazis
5.   Sport tragics – couldn’t give a shit Jones
6.   Sunscreen- greasy, slimy and disgusting goop that suffocates your skin
7.   Snow – it’s ok to look at and fun to play in… for about 10 minutes
8.   Shrinks – for some reason competency isn’t a job requirement
9.   Snakes – but in my defence Australia has way too many deadly snakes
10. Shoddy workmanship – my Dad had a cliche for every working occasion: ‘If it’s worth doing… it’s worth doing right’, ‘If you want something done properly you got to do it yourself’, ‘Out by an inch might as well be out by a mile’… and the beat goes on… la di da di da di da… la di da di da di dee

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