Say it with a bunch of dead flora and a box of superfluous calories and saturated fats.

Valentines Day… isn’t it fabulous?   Sigh…

The flowers, the chocolates, the romantic candlelit dinners, the fine wine, the dead sexy voice of Barry White emanating from the stereo, the extravagant jewellery, the really hot sex* you’re going to have…   Isn’t it ever so romantic and wonderful!  Why…  is there any felicity in the world such as this?

If only, every day were Valentines Day…. then we could all waste our money on this shit 365 days a year.

Valentines Day is yet another of those Hallmark occasions which I absolutely despise.  All flash, no substance and the whole thing sets you up to fail.  It’s not uncommon apparently for many relationships go totally bust after Valentines Day.  Why?  Well, because the entire concept seems to be designed to give chicks EXPECTATIONS…. and God forbid should HE fail to deliver.  It makes no sense – either you have a fabulous loving relationship and you tell each other every single day, in a million little ways, how much you mean to each other…. or you don’t.  And if you don’t – well you can probably forget about you choccies and flowers because they’re not going to help your cause.

Personally I’d rather skip the chocolates and flowers and the damn (tree killing) greeting cards, and have once sincere ‘I love you’ for my troubles.

What can I say?  I’m easy to please.   (Hey you – stop scoffing!!!)

mario valentines
* NB – This is usually proportionate to the number
and/or value of the aforementioned items here listed.

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