Bible thumpers ahoy!

Large areas of southern Australia have been ravaged by bushfires.  There have been many lives lost, families devastated, homes gone, entire towns decimated and thousands of acres gone up in smoke.  It’s been very hard to watch this disaster unfold in the media over the last week.  I simply can not imagine the emotional devastaion these people are going through and will continue to go through over the next few months.

Which is why I can’t understand why a tragedy like this seems to bring out so many bona fide monster raving loonies.  Like these delightful God-botherers who released a media statement claiming the bushfires are God’s retribution for Victoria’s liberal abortion laws.  I mean what?  who the?  how can?  where did?   Shit.  Words escape me in this particular instance.  The complete and utter lunacy of this concept leaves me absolutely floored. 

And that wasn’t the only crazy arsed sensationialist headline I saw this week that attempts to distract from the real facts of what’s happening.  Fuckin’ Fox News must have some really bored ‘journalists’ on their payroll at the moment…

At first I thought it was a joke – a not even remotely amusing joke at that – because one should take with a grain of salt anything one sees posted on the interets.  So I went straight to the Fox News wesite to see if it was on the level… and oh my gawd – there it was.  An article about how terrorist groups might decide to use arson on a grand scale to commit mass murder.  Yay.  😐   I’d like to think that NOBODY relied on the ‘fair and balanced’ reporting of the Fox News network but… oh I’m too tired to sit here taking pot shots at Fox.

Anyway I guess if the terrorists haven’t thought about it before. I’m sure they have now…

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