The roof, the roof, the roof is… fucking leaking.

Ohhhh spite!

Home ownership really sucks sometimes. Last weekend it was the hotwater system playing silly buggers with us with a busted valve of some sorts (yes this really is the extent of my vast knowledge of things mechanical and/or practical around the home) and this weekend it’s the air conditioning causing headaches. 

There’s something up in the roof that must be forming condensation on it somewhere where it shouldn’t be forming condensation… and like, now there’s like, all this water just like… dripping through the ceiling!  Poo.  Bum.  Piss.  Fart.  🙁

Initially it was just a couple of intermittent drips until we noticed that the whole section seemed to be bowing under what must have been quite a puddle forming so we poked a hole in it (as you do) and then stood there looking on in a manner most forlorn while we watched water running out of the hole until the puddle had emptied.

Of course we can’t really do diddly about it over the weekend other than sticking our heads up the man hole semi-regularly and saying ‘Oh this isn’t good.’  So there’s a bucket in the hallway and a slow drip happening… and I’m feeling all anxious that any second now the ceiling in the hallway is going to cave in and make a God awful mess of gyprock and soggy insulation while I sit here being frustrated about not knowing anything about such things and also not being physically capable of getting up in the damn roof to try investigate it  or maybe (crazy thought here) do something about it.

The real fun in this delighful little scenario starts tomorrow when I try (now, don’t laugh) to get a BrisVegas air-con type dude to come out and have a look at it.  Shouldn’t be a problem at all.  Air con people aren’t really in demand around these parts in the middle of summer…    😐

We are so screwed.

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