FYI: Gympie has the highest rate of homicide per capita in the country.

Years ago back in Nov 2005 a friend (I think it might have been Ysambart but can’t be sure) sent me some funny internet tests on a website called OkCupid.  I knew it was a dating site but it also sold itself with options for looking for friends, penpals and stuff like that so I created an account so I could take some of the silly tests… some of which were kinda fun and many of which were rather strange.  After that I pretty much forgot about it.  I occasionally got spam from them but seeing that I had used my secondary email address it never bothered me and I mostly ignored them.

A couple of weeks ago another friend was doing tests from this website and I did the ‘I forgot my password thing’ so I could log in and take some quizzes for shits and giggles too.  Well since then I’ve been getting a LOT of emails from people.  Some said they wanted to ‘get to know me better’. or that they thought ‘I sounded interesting’.  One guy asked me out for dinner!  And one guy wanted to know where I lived!  And then there was this errr… very interesting letter that I received two days ago…

Hello there
i am Frank* from Gympie in Queensland i love your profile
well i want a kind,caring,loving women that love me for me
Looking for someone that has a big heart like myself and is affectionet
i am honest,kind,caring,loving,warm hearted & very giving
not what they want to hope me to be & love me for what i do have in life
i do have lot of love to give.Plus i am will give everything to a woman that want to be treated as a womam
& want to be spoil,loved,roses every few days & made to look good as best she can be
i love a woman that into fashion that make her look good & sexy
plus she want to give the same thing back & if she much love sex alot
i do have a high sex drive oh yes Vvvoooommm i would like to have sex
every 3 or 5 times a day anywhere & anytime
& i like camping,swiming,fishing,
i like to go out to wine & dinne out or stay at home,night clubs
going to party & danceing,love the beach,
long walk along the beach under the full moon
going to parks,i do write poetry,plus i race cars too
oh i collect old antique too.Plus i got 2 kids that i get part time
they are a girl is 13 & a boy is 11 if you want to hook up for coffee or you can
call or text me on ( O,***,O,***,five,too,***,sex,
one,ate ) or you can try this one
***,too,*** )
ok i love hear from you soon

*not his real name or numbers obviously!

Well I can honestly say I’ve never received a letter like this before and I’m all at sea!  Should I reply or should I go with my fist instinct which is to red pen it and return it for correction?

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