I’m a Skunk furry!

Furries are a wee little subculture I don’t even pretend to understand.  Especially the ones that carry their proclivities into their sexual lives, complete with their own porn and everything!  Getting all dressed up in a full sized fur costume and rubbing up against other fur suited peoples?  The mind boggles… I once saw a video clip of a woman who’d put a strap-on onto a man sized Bugs Bunny and then.. well I think you can guess the rest.

Personally I just don’t see the appeal at all – I honestly just don’t get it.  I don’t find the concept at all attractive or arousing or even amusing.  But I admit that anthropologically speaking I do find it kinda interesting – What motivates these people?  How is it that they’ve come to fancy Furries?  Do they have shared childhood experiences that lead them to Furry lifestyles?  Are they mostly comfortable with their Furriness?  Or are they embarrassed or guilty in their Furry habits?  I don’t know.

We had a Fur and Feathers party here a few years ago which was just a bit of  a lark and done partly because we were getting desperate for fancy dress themes that we hadn’t previously exhausted (SCA people strangely enough have LOTS of themed fancy dress parties).  It was a fun night and I was quite surprised at how many of our friends had never heard of Furry Fandom and never seen any strange arse Furry porn (and no I’m not linking you to porn – Furry or otherwise – from my journal!).  Many of them honestly didn’t even know it was a fetish thing for a select percentage of the community… Rule 34 applies now and for always, people!!!

So I asked a couple of people (males) in idle conversations recently what sort of Furry they’d be IF they were into that sort of thing (which none of them were for the record)… 2 out of three of my respondents said ‘WOLF’ and the remaining person chose a CAT.  Naturally working on the presumption that if I’ve thought of it then it’s probably already out there I went and found a What Kind of Furry Am I quiz?  My result?

You are a Skunk!

Skunks are a bit quieter and more reserved than some of the “popular” species,
But you don’t need all that flair. After all, charm like yours is hard to come by.

Skunk?!?!?  Oh no way!  I totally wanted to be an OTTER… so I can swim around mingling with the other otters and floating about blowing aiir into my fur and eating clams all day. 😛   Then again perhaps I’m being hasty – there’s always Pepe le Pew… and he’s one damn hot skunk!!!  :p

cat otter mouse skunky furry culture

PS: Being a furry Mouse is dead sexy!

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