Chicka-chicka Bow-wow!!!

I’ve been thinking for a while about investing in a spa tub.  The idea largely stems from the fact that I know my back pain responds well to heat… and massage is also very good for loosening tense muscles.  But conning someone into massaging my back every day becomes tedious to say the least.  Even the most giving and considerate of individuals would undstandably tire of the task and eventually become reluctant after the daily entireaties are uttered with seemingly neverending regularity.  So I guess I have stopped asking so frequently because I don’t want to become a total nagging pain in the arse.   🙁

At the moment I use heat packs everyday, particularly in the morning as it seems to help the muscles relax after getting stiff and tense at night and I get massages occasionally (which I appreciate very much for the record).  So I’ve spent a little time investigating spa tubs with hydrotherapy jets to see whether it might be useful and if so is it a justifiable expense.

So you can get a spa anywhere between $3,000 and $30,000 depending on how big you want it, how many jets you want, do you want fancy reclining seats etc..  But I wasn’t expecting crazy nonsense like this… waterproof Clarion stereo systems… iPod docking stations… waterfalls… LEDs running around the entire top of the tub and over the speaker ‘mounds’, underwater strobe lights and even a damn 61″ TV if you want to pay for it!!!


Hello?  I was just looking for an oversized bath tub with some hydro jets… not a massive phallic extension in the form of a hi-tech portable equivalent of the Playboy Mansion spa grotto!!!

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