This is the song that never ends.

Get woken by Small Child this morning at the very civilized hour of 0650.  Consciousness is a little slow to return as I do a ‘bit of a body check’ through the drug induced haze that I experience on a daily basis.  I realize I am laying in the EXACT same position that I went to sleep in and the covers are hardly disturbed at all.

I turn my head to look at the clock, turn my head the other way to blearily turn off the alarm I had set on my phone.  I tenderly climb out of bed… so far so good.  Yesterday’s painfully spasming neck seems to be subsiding a bit… it’a still there but nowhere near as acute.  I think to myself  "Self, you might be in the clear and just have the usual old deep aching neck and back pains today"’.  I get out of bed gingerly as per usual, go to the bathroom, splash some cold water on my face (as is my habit to help wake up from the drugs). 

I then wandered out to the living room, asked the Small Child to go get dressed out of his pyjamas and to then come and have some breakfast with me.  I put the kettle on, placed my heatpack in the microwave, grabbed some bowls…

And it was at this point that I made a mistake of monumental proportions.  Something so asinine and obviously unachievable I simply don’t know why I did it.  I mean honestly… who in their right mind would think they could reach into the pantry and fetch some muesli without anticipating the dire consequences of their actions?   For as soon as I lifted that muesli container (which must weigh all of 700gms tops) I experienced a massive sharp pain int he right side of my back at the base of my ribs.

I put it down quickly and stood there holding my breath waiting for the spasm to pass, and haven’t been able to do a thing since without causing more extemely painful spasms to reocur.  Couldn’t pick up the now boilded kettle without more massive painful spasm… couldnt lift the bottle of milk out of the fridge…  couldn’t grab the heat pack out of the microwave. either.  So I’m standing in the kitchen holding back the tears asking the Small Child to do these little things for me whiloe I whimper back to the living room and  imediately fasten myself to the heatpack hoping it might calm down a bit   🙁

So I’m sorry for whinging so much yesterday and if it’s not too much to ask – can I have yesterday’s neck pain back please?  All things being relative and all….

PS – Three days to recover from a social outing is really fucking ridiculous.

Tell me what you think