The Cirque du Soleil was excellent last night… but as predicted after sitting on those shitty seats (that were causing me pain at the time) I am really paying for it today. I slept so poorly – tossed and turned all night and woke more times than I can count. When I actually got up this morning, I was sleeping on my stomach and my pillows had been thrown out of the bed at some point… not a good sign. This is really unusual for me as I often (especially when I’ve taken Valium etc) seem to wake up in the exact same position as I went to sleep in. I also NEVER sleep on my stomach because of what it does to my neck – and well, because… you know… the tits kinda get in the way. So yes, slept really bad and after levering myself out of bed and throwing down some drugs IMMEDIATELY… the day has sort of gone downhill from there.
I feel like I’ve spent most of my day going round in circles… make a cuppa, heatpack, stretchy exercises, try to read – can’t concentrate, try to watch a movie or something, fix something for the Small Child to eat, heatpack, get a neck rub, cuppa, get online to write some emails, try to read – can’t concentrate, make a cuppa, feed Small Child again, try more stretchy exercises, get online for a bit – try to do some banking and pay some bills, try to read – still can’t concentrate, play Wii with Small Child for a bit, another heatpack, try to do more stretchy exercises but pain is still really bad, damn I’m out of mid-range analgesics, call my Mum for a chat, have some Valium, try to read again – really can’t concentrate now, get online – actively avoid shopping websites, Small Child hungry again, time for another heatpack, cuppa and eventually some Muppets which is about my speed at the moment. 😐
I am in so much pain I’ve spent most of the day 1) trying not to cry and 2) trying not to get cross with the Small Child. I can’t stand, I can’t sit still, I can’t move my head properly, I’ve got a massive knot of pain in between my shoulder blades and seriously tense and painful neck and shoulder muscles. I’ve been nervously fidgeting, twitching, clenching my teeth and tapping my feet or shaking my leg all day (don’t ask).
I’m fucked, I’m fucked, I’m fucked. Sigh… I think if there had been a responsible adult in the vicinity I would have taken a hefty dose of morphine this morning and crawled back into bed.
