Happy Birthday to me…

Yes it’s that time of year again… the birthday.  Seems the older we get the birthdays tend to creep up on you with alarming speed.  Not quite sure what happened to 2008 for example (but according to this journal I was obviously there 🙂 ).  I received lots of lovely emails and messages on Facebook wishing me a Happy Birthday etc which is really nice.  Most of us (me included) get very wrapped up in our busy lives and have an awful habit of forgetting friend’s birthdays.  So it’s kinda cool that Facebook reminds us so we can send sweet nothings.

I’ve had a busy day… had brunch on BigSal and Surly’s deck with the family and was feeling really kinda flat this morning.  Came home watched a movie and had a bit of a quiet afternoon before heading off to the Cirque du Soleil to see Dralion under the Big Top over at Hamilton with Yale!   I went once before to see Alegria back in 1997 at the Royal Albert Hall in London with Bluddy Mary and it blew me away.  The talent, hard work and creative vision that goes into these shows is nothing short of amazing.  So I’ve been very excited all week waiting for today to roll around.

We had amazing Tapis Rouge tickets which came with lots of fabulous gourmet nibblies and champagne etc, a copy of the program and souvenir copy of the show’s soundtrack…. and of course, fantastic seats* in the 2nd row close to centre stage!  From where we were sitting you could see the expressions on all the perfomers faces… the concentration and strain of the crazy feats they’re doing as well as the elation they obviously felt when they’d executed difficult manoeuvres.  Some of the acts were gravity defying gymnastics, some were masterful examples of extremely well timed acrobatics and some of them were passionate and soulful displays of dance, music, strength and creativity.  Parts of the show were so beautiful and so moving it’s actually quite difficult to find superlatives sufficient to describe them with justice.

It was an awesome experience that I’ll never forget and I am so glad I got to go…. I wish I’d had the good sense to see Quidam and Saltimbanco and Varekai when they were in Australia over the last few years.  So I’ve had a pretty amazing birthday and my friends and family have made me feel pretty special… which goes a long way to overcoming that dreaded sigh of inevitability that comes every year with the awareness of getting one year older  🙂

*The seats were perfect for getting a great view…
but I have an awful feeling my back is not going to thank
me for sitting still for so long on nasty bench type seats.


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