Like “P”s in a pod.

I’m getting old tomorrow… it’s all down hill from here. Keeping up the spirits by keeping up my lists. As per usual the ‘Dislikes’ are easier to come up with then the ‘Likes’.  I wonder why it’s so hard to come up with a list of things I like – I must be such a negative person… or maybe being in pain all day just makes you into a crotchey old bitch so being irritable and picking fault with everything around you just becomes second nature.  🙁  Gotta work on that.

List of 10 Things I Like That Start With "P"….

1.   Ptbtbtbtbtbt!!! – blowing raspberries by MSN or email  🙂
2.   Pizzaland Pizza – especially their Supreme Seafood pizza
3.   Pens – nothing like a nicely weighted pen to write with
4.   Perfume – Amor Amor is scent of choice these days
5.   Perez Prado – Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White
6.   Pashmina – a girl can never have too many
7.   Photoshop – God bless Photoshop remover of wrinkles and pimples.
8.   Pavarotti – goose bumps… so glad I saw his farewell tour show
9.   Pate – really nice pate on melba toast… yum
10. Polyamory – Restricting yourself to loving just one person and putting your entire life’s happiness into that one person’s hands because society or religion tells us to, seems unnatural and unrealistic to me.  Is any one person ever really able to be all and everything for another?


List of 10 Things I Hate or Dislike That Start With "P"

1.   Public BBQs – take your life into your hands if you use them.
2.   Politics – interested… just not passionate.
3.   PIA – ‘Inshallah we will be arriving at Islamabad airport at 5pm’  K
4.   Passwords – help!  I’m covered in passwords!
5.   Peppers – jalepenos, capsicums, chillis… not my thing.
6.   PCOS – harbinger of the slowest metabolism known to woman
7.   Pokemon – annoying little fuckers – hate they way they talk/squeal
8.   Pope – needs to get with the times… we still like him on a rope though
9.   Pop Tarts – have figuratively burned them in effigy numerous times
10.  Progesterone Poisoning – extreme nausea that is caused by spiking progesterone levels.  I had the seemingly benign and euphemistically named "Morning Sickness" when I was pregnant with the Small Child from week 7 right through to week 29.  Upchucked roughly about 3-7 times a day at any time of day.  It wasn’t "Morning Sickness" it was fucking Progesterone Poisoning!!!


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