It’s the bubbles of nothing that make it really something.

After last night’s late night slightly tipsy nissed as a pewt ramblings I thought I would lay low and say nothing of any consequence.  One could argue that is my normal MO anyway… and I’d be forced to agree for the most part.  So what do you write about when you don’t really want to write and risk putting one’s foot even further in one’s mouth?  Why you write about nothing.  And the best way to write about nothing?  Snavel a meme from somewhere (in this case from Kapgar the Great).

Four of Whatever

  • Four family members:
    Mum, Mr K, The Small Child and Caesar
  • Four places that I go to over and over:
    School, Grocery Store, Mums and Borders
  • Four people who e-mail me (regularly):
    Mr K, Yale, Stanzi and Equinom
  • Four of my favorite places to eat:
    Sushi Train, 2Small Rooms, Ahmets and the Courthouse
  • Four places I would rather be right now:
    Carcassone, Tuscany, Tassie or in someone else’s body
  • Four TV shows I watch over and over:
    West Wing, Firefly, The Big Bang Theory and Veronica Mars
  • Four things in the room I’m in:
    Dictionary, 4 computers, Estfahan rug and a sleeping dog.
  • Four concerts I’ve been to:
    Pavarotti, Megadeath, Rod Stewart and Cat Empire
  • Four things on my calendar:
    Doctors appts, Birthdays, Bill reminders and people’s Travel plans
  • Four fears:
    Eternal pain, snakes, solitude and failure.
  • Four things in your purse or wallet:
    License, Paris Metro map, Boarding pass stub to Islamabad and receipts.
  • Four chores you hate doing: (mostly pain related dislike)
    Grocery shopping, washing dishes, vacuuming and cleaning showers.
  • Four favorite animals:
    Otters, fairy penguins, monkeys and meerkats
  • Four speed dials on your cell phone:
    Mr K, Yale, BigSal and Mum
  • Four favorite pieces of jewelry:
    Engagement ring, Fish pendant, Starfish and Tourmaline ring
  • Four Web sites you visit:
    Google Reader, Youtube, Wikipedia,
  • Four people who have been in your car:
    Bluddy Mary, SirPhil, Surly and the Spoto Boys
  • Four things you are looking forward to:
    Zombie Stripper Movie Night, the Cirque du Soleil, Festival and Winter
  • Four favorite types of candy:
    Fruit Tingles, Snakes, Koolmints and yoghurt covered almonds.
  • Four things found in your fridge:
    Pomegrante jam, 10 types of cheese, Kangaroo roast and vodka.
  • Four rituals you do daily:
    Heatpack and tea in AM, check e-mail, muesli for brekkie, drugs before bed.
  • Four things currently within reach:
    Das Keyboard, iPod sock, Waterman pen and Valium prescription
  • Four things you know how to cook:
    Chicken parmigana, Saffron Risotto, Lasagne and Vanilla bean

    crème brulee

  • Four Halloween costumes you’ve worn:
    I dunno. Never really did Halloween things  😐

Yes dear, you may offer one thing that is very interesting, two things that are a little interesting or three things that are very dull indeed.  Restricting oneself to Four things in some of these categories is harder than you think.  Four things within reach – well if anyone else has a desk anywhere near as covered in stuff as mine then there must be a hundred items within reach… none of which make any sense when catalogued.

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