It’s all a facade.

Why do we spend so much energy doing what others want or expect us to do?
Or  are we just doing what we think others want and expect us to?
When in truth most people couldn’t give a shit!.

How come as we grow older we do less things driven by simple desire for experience?
And we seem to be ever more driven to do things out of a sense obligation?

Why do we allow ourselves to be labelled or pigeonholed?
Where do we learn this need to classify people?
Is it because we feel uncomfortable with people we can’t label?

Why is it that a person is smart and can comprehed and accept plenty?
But ‘people’ are bat shit crazy and can’t be trusted with anything.

Why are we so keen to fit people fit into traditional societal constructs?
To the point where people feel they can’t be honest with those around them.
Why do we work so hard at hiding massive parts of our true selves?
Even from the people who are supposed to be closest to us.

Is it because we don’t trust other people to accept us as we are?

Sigh… too many questions… not enough trust.

Less wine…. more sleep required.

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