God I hope it’s not permanent!

Such an exciting day today – I bet you can tell by my little user pic that I went grocery shopping…. and everyone knows how much I abhor grocery shopping especially over the holiday season.  And don’t get me started on how depressing it is to find yourself in the supermarket aisle checking the damned eggs to make sure they are at least unbroken before I put them in the trolley… getting them home in that state is another matter entirely!

But now I’ve discovered a new special little grocery shopping related torture… packing the groceries into the fridge and getting them to fit in.  Mr K has long been in the habit of asking me to fit stuff into the fridge when we’ve got people coming or we’re trying to squeeze in space for wine, beer or softdrinks for parties etc – because us Cross Girls (myself and my sisters) all have the Packing Gene.  It a little something we picked up from a thousand family camping trips where we each had a tiny bag for personal gear and the car was packed more meticulously than an OCD sufferer’s sock drawer.

So fitting extra stuff into what appears to be an already full fridge was a no brainer…. and a non-traumatic no brainer at that.  That is until Yale’s friend, Narc, was in town this week and he told me that every time he packs his fridge or freezer he ends up with the Tetris tune going through his head as he shuffles the contents… and if the packing is extra finnickity or if he only just manages to squish everything in… he says he’s sure that some day all his groceries will disappear!


So no second guesses for what was going through my head today when I was packing away the groceries and trying to fit everything into the fridge….  Thanks a bunch Narcolepsy… I really need that..   😐

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