Pegasus Ezekiel seems kind in comparison.

IVF is a shit of a thing to go through.  It is emotionally draining, physically demanding, hideously expensive, indescribably invasive and downright demoralizing from go to woe.

Every time I see a news article about some pathetic excuse for a parent who doesn’t cherish their children… something in the back of my head goes “That’s not fair – how come this arsehole can have kids and I can’t?”.  It doesn’t have to be a tragic homicidal incident – though those cases have been known to see me in the kitchen crying over the weekend papers, and it doesn’t even have to be criminally negligent to make my brain strike up that tune – though those cases too really get my hackles up.  Especially the ones where some mother hasn’t protected her children from their step-dad/new boyfriend and it all goes horribly pear shaped and before you know it you’ve got an infant in hosptital with shaken baby syndrome or you find yourself reading reports of damage to a toddler that tells of so many fractures and repeated injuries that it reads like the poor bub has been hit by a truck.  But I’m getting a little off track…

Even little things can trigger my “Why?  Oh why, are fuckwits like this able to breed and I’m not?”…. little things like an article which Mr K just flicked me a few moments ago.  These people (in absence of evidence to the contrary) we assume love their children as parents should but for some unknown reason have deemed it appropriate to name their children –

  • Adolf Hitler Campbell
  • JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and
  • Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell.

The father claims he chose the name ‘Adolf Hitler Campbell’ because ‘no one else would have that name’ and that ‘they’re just names you know’.  I note the article mentions their house is decorated with swastikas and he claims to have been related to a memeber of the SS but of course his decision to name his children thus has nothing to do with admiration or identification of Nazi ideals etc.

How can these people be so cruel?  Is increasing the likelyhood of your child being socially ostracized at school or worse – bullied and maybe even beat up on a regular basis – tanatmount to willful neglect?  Or maybe you could argue that it’s actually some sort of constructive abuse for they certainly seem to be providing the conditions for abuse to occur albeit likely not by their own hands.

As far as I can see…. not being able to get an inscription on a cake?!?!  Well that’s going to be the least of that poor little bugger’s problems throughout what will no doubt be very harrowing and difficult formative years.  I wish we could look forward and see just how long it takes for those children to first – come up with some decent nicknames and second – change their names by deed poll once they reach whatever age is legally required in New Jersey to do so.

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