Snog at your own peril.

The internets is an amazing place.  Every day you stumble over something new.  Interesting things, alarming things and of course the just plain weird things.  

Things I learned today… December 10th 2008 –

the Governor of Illinois is corrupt (corrupt politican … quelle surprise)
Rio Tinto is sacking 14000 people
intelligent men produce better quality sperm
Zimbabwee is getting more pooched by the minute
and umpteen other bits and bobs…

But here’s one you don’t see every day…

Chinese girl gets ‘kiss of deaf’


A young Chinese woman was left partially deaf following a passionate kiss from her boyfriend.

The 20-something from Zhuhai in Guangdong province arrived at hospital having completely lost the hearing in her left ear, said local reports.The incident prompted a series of articles in the local media warning of the dangers of excessive kissing.

"While kissing is normally very safe, doctors advise people to proceed with caution," wrote the China Daily. The doctor who treated the girl in hospital was quoted in the paper explaining what had happened.

"The kiss reduced the pressure in the mouth, pulled the eardrum out and caused the breakdown of the ear."  The chorus of warnings was echoed by the Shanghai Daily, which wrote: "A strong kiss may cause an imbalance in the air pressure between two inner ears and lead to a broken ear drum."

The young woman is expected to regain her full hearing within about two months.

Chinese couple share a kiss

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