Christmas Presents or Christmas Penance

Mr K:
You have a knack of always talking to me as soon as I’ve left the room.

No I don’t.  You always leave before I’ve finished speaking.

Mr K:
LOL… You just take too long to talk and I think the conversation is over.

What?  Am I not talking fast enough for you?  Are you the fast talking city dude and I’m the slow witted country cousin who can’t keep up?

Mr K:  No.
It’s just that I’m always expecting a ‘West Wing’ conversation and you seem to be giving me ‘Friends’ instead.

Ohhh… wounded!!!

After insulting me so horribly just now – I figure Mr K is going to need this list to get him out of the Dog House.  Remember Sweetie I have a birthday coming up soon too.   🙂


Minoan Pendant Disc Earrings from the Met Gift shoppe along with just about anything of their fine jewellery items… like this… or this… or this.


Another terrabyte of space cos you can have well over 3TB in the house and still be running out… and besides nothing says ‘I Love You’ like a new hard drive.

Cool Damask Mirror from Suck UK to hang in the entry way…. maybe it would stop people putting their hands all over the wall.

A party spa for me and eleven of my closest friends… err … ahem… I mean a specialized heated hydro pool to allow me to do hydrotherapy exercises at home.


Damp Squid the English Language Laid Bare from Fishpond to go with the other handful of language related books I’ve been reading lately.


A new pavillion from Mainly Medieval more suited for singleton camping that I could paint up to be all covered in bees and fancy mottos.


A couple of lovely overpriced Swarovski Crystal tea light holders.  Useless but pretty.


Flemish Miniatures from the 8th to 16th Centuries from which I’ve been lusting after for years but carries an exhorbitant price tag.


A ‘There’s no place like′ doormat from ThinkGeek because we love nothing more than a good pun isn’t that right Mr K?


A beautiful stained glass lamp on Ebay that I totally don’t need but think would look lovely on the buffet in my dining room.


Ohhh… forget about all that other crap… what about a gorgeous antique Bakhtiari rug c.1920!!!

Sigh… I think that’s enough Windows 😉 shopping for now.

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