Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok.

More list nonsense.  The “K’s” have been bloody hard.  So difficult in fact that I felt compelled to look up the frequency of letter use to see how common or uncommon the use of the letter “K” is in the English language.  Not surprisingly “K” rates at only 0.772% of relative frequency in the English langage making it the 5th least used letter…. and I have a sneaking suspicion that most of those “K”s are at the end of words.

List of 10 Things I Like That Start With “K”….

1.   Kiwi fruit – should buy more of these but I don’t like the fuzziness
2.   King ‘Love and Pride’ – a song none of you probably remember
3.   Kenneth Brannagh – love may transform me to an oyster
4.   Kandinsky – I don’t know much about art but I know what I like  😉
5.   Knuckles – kids don’t appreciate simple games anymore
6.   Knives – good quality Wusthof Tridents are the weapons of choice
7.   Kisses – little ones, long ones… they’re all good
8.   Keys –  big antique brass ones, little baby silver ones… locks too
9.   Kittens – I like them for about 8.2 weeks then they become cats
10. Kilometers – for some reasons whenever I have to think in miles I’m absolutely fucked.  Grew up with kilometers and metric measurements and miles/ounces/pound/gallons etc leave me totally bamboozled. Perhaps if I’d been better at math….

kandinsky.comp-8Vassily Kandinsky, 1866-1944 (creatively titled ‘Composition no 8)

List of 10 Things I Hate or Dislike That Start With “K”

1.   Kool aid – not quite sure what this is but the connotations are all bad
2.   Kids – other peoples children drive me bonkers
3.   Kitchen dwellers – people who hang in the kitchen at parties why?
4.   Kayak polo –  never quite understood this particular weird sport :S
5.   Kill Bill/s – fell asleep during both of them
6.   KFC – bleurk…  and they have the gall to call it food
7.   Kia TV ads – ‘keeeeee-a!’… like fingernails down a blackboard’
8.   Knitting – can embroider til the cows come home but hate knitting
9.   Kraft – don’t like their pretend cheese products… it’s fucking plastic
10. Karaoke – surely this needs NO explanation
11. K-Mart Public Address system – (probably applies to any PA system in el cheapo department stores)  “Welcome to K-Mart Radio across Australia where we keep you entertained and up !CHT! Security. Security to section seven.  Security to section seven. !CHT!  to date”.

Please note we HAD to go to 11 this week because there was no way I could leave the karaoke out 😐

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