The last of the men with the little shorts turned up today to deliver the last box of wine that I ordered last week. So now the sadly neglected wine rack can hold it’s head high again after many months of looking like it belonged to someone who was maybe up the duff and off the drink all because I didn’t make it to the Annual Spring War Wine & Cheese Tour this year. We’re well stocked for the silly season and emergency presents… no problem!

Does anyone else do that? I have a box or rather one of those large plastic crates in my closet that I have filled with ‘Emergency Presents’. These are things that I’ve picked up on sales or have spotted going for good prices that I think would make great gifts for people even though I don’t necessarily have any one in mind to give them to at that point in time. The Emergency Present Box has things in it that would be suitable gifts for kids parties that the Small Child gets invited to, books and sundries that would make good gifts for SCA friends, lots of toys for girls of varying age groups (I have five neices), a handful of things that make good Secret Santa gifts at office Christmas Parties and various other bits and bobs that would be good gifts for any one of a number of Hallmark occasions that I had conveniently forgotten to shop for. Or am I alone in my gift giving preparedness??? I love giving presents, particularly when there is no occasion for it so I like to have things on hand. I should clarify that – I love giving presents except for…
Christmas. Which is upon us again… already. As anyone who knows me is aware I fuckin’ hate Christmas. Hate the Carols. Hate the rampant shopping. Hate the ritual Christmas tree nonsense. Hate the wasteful Christmas card exchange. Would gladly skip the lot of it. Why can’t I just have the family dinner and piss up and skip all the rest?
In an effort to spare myself some of the special Christmas torture, I’m endeavoured to do as much of my Christmas shopping online this year as humanly possible. So I hit the (online) shops today with gusto and I’m pretty impressed with my progress thus far. If I keep this up, I won’t have to go near the stores for anything except food…. and there will be much rejoicing by the peasants (that’s me) on the slopes if I manage to pull that off…. Ladies 🙂