Oh who are the people in your neighbourhood? In your neighbourhood? In your neighbourhood?

Several years ago we purchased our house (in the middle of our street,., our house) in Belmont which is on the south east side of BrisVegas.  Unbeknownst to us at the time this particular little section of Belmont is actually officially known as the rather snooty sounding ‘Belmont Heights’.   I guess I never felt that this was a particularly upmarket area considering the guy around the corner with his front yard that continually looks like a fire hazardous flea market, the guys two doors over with their Harley’s rumbling in and out at all hours and the  huge family of islanders that were living next door with car bodies on the lawn and their youngest son murdered in a drug deal gone awry… yeah what with all that going on I never felt we were living in the flash sounding ‘Belmont Heights’ so comes to filling out forms etc with our address, I can’t be fucked so it’s usually just Heights-less ‘Belmont’ that I fill in.

Anyway our neighbourhood hasn’t always been as salubrious as one might like, but we are rather privately tucked away on a largish battle axe block which means we rarely even see the neighbours except as we are entering and exiting the property via the longish driveway so it ws neither here nor there at all.  Given that we hardly ever see our neighbours and there’s a number of houses on our street that recently acquired new owners (there’s one house on our street that has been sold about four times since we moved in here and we keep wondering what is wrong with it?!?!) it’s no wonder I’ve been a bit slow on noticing that there’s seems to be a recent upturn in the juvenile delinquency around here.


Last week, Thursday night or rather the early hours of Friday morning, it seems there was a spate of fires lit in people front yards on the two closest main roads to our place – Belmont Road and Meadowlands Rd.  One of these fires was lit on someone’s patio while they slept.  Some absolute wankers put an old futon couch on fire under the patio and it was only a passing trucker who saw the fire and pulled over to alert the home owners of the situation that stopped it before it turned really ugly.  No one has smoke alarms outside their homes and if the futon couch burned well enough to ignite the patio roof etc then it could have turned into a full blown house fire wile the occupants slept.  What sort of peurile morons thinks that maybe burning someone’s house down is a good night’s entertainment?

Further to this Yale mentioned that he’s noticed a number of cars in our neighbouring streets that have had their badging ripped off.  i hadn’t noticed them, stashed away as we are at the bottom of our cul-de-sac.  So I had a look around as we left the house last night and easily found nine cars all missing their badges before we’d even hit the main road.  Seems we might have some new petty criminals in our midsts.  Oh and I do mean petty… who’d steal badges off a Holden Barina???  None of the cars we saw missing badges were what you would call prestige vehicles so I don’t know what anyone would want with a collection of Holden, Hyundai and Daewoo badges!?1?!  It makes no sense.

Sigh…. I guess we should do a check around the yard to make sure there’s nothing of value or highly flammable left outside at the moment.  No doubt we should chain our BBQ to something solid too.   🙁

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