Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house… or wife. No mention of his books though.

Ooooh.  Talk about dead sexy!

There’s a book I’m lusting after from the Folio Society…. which being from the Folio Society automatically means it’s prohibitively expensive and likely totally unnecessary.  There is no doubt in my mind that this particular book falls into those categories quite nicely indeed as it may well be the most expensive book I’ve ever taken a fancy to. 

But it is rather gorgeous altogether.  There’s no way in hell I’d ever purchase such a thing, but wouldn’t it be nice to be able to!   If by chance anyone reading this is stuck for a Christmas present idea for Borys this year, or just wants to secure her undying affection and devotion with a ridiculously extravagant gift… feel free to contact me for my delivery details.   😀

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