They say ‘erbs’ but we say ‘herbs’… because there’s a fucking “H” in it.

The lists are good but I’m finding that it is getting increasingly more difficult.  I’m obvious a natural pessimist and usually have plenty of things in the Dislike section and am finding it really hard to keep coming up with things for the Like section.  For one’s personal development I should probably make some vague attempts to work on this particular character flaw.  Perhaps I ought try taking more time to smell the roses and count my blessings blah, blah, blah.  After all, one doesn’t want to become some sort of misanthropic arsehole who finds fault everywhere and is only happy when they have something to bitch about.  However, I think I’d rather be overly self critical and slightly dissatisfied in general than be wandering mindlessly through life with an inane grin on my face blithely thinking all is well with the world.

Whatever…. it’s the “H”s this week

List of 10 Things I Like That Start With “H”….

1.   Honesty – don’t care what it is just give it to me straight
2.   Hands – can happily watch beautiful hands all day
3.   Hariyali kebab – spicy spinachy goodness
4.   Heraldry – graphic design for the middle ages
5.   Hammam – if only you didn’t have to go so far to get one
6.   Hourglasses – have no clue where that penchant comes from
7.   Hammocks – big ones made for two or more
8.   Honey – in particular Vanilla Bean honey from DJs
9.   Hanover Gold Waterford Crystal – discontinued, the bastards!
10. Heat packs – seems to be the only thing that offers any relief (albeit temporary) from the persistent back pain nonsense.  Makes the nerves send heat signals instead of pain signals… apparently.  It’s become a morning ritual to have a heat pack and a cup of tea while I try and shake off the brain dead/drug fucked feeling of being over sedated.

List of 10 Things I Hate or Dislike That Start With “H”

1.  Hot weather – shite metabolism means crap internal thermostat
2.  Highway noise – barriers were supposed to make this place quieter
3.  Heaters – hot, dry air on my skin feels like I’m desiccating
4.  Hairdressers – they take off too much and charge way too much
5.  Hormones – lack thereof is the bane of my adult existence
6.  Hand injuries – stories of accidents/injuries to hands make me nauseous
7.  Hairy backs – surely this needs no explanation
8.  Hyphenated surnames – something pretentious this way comes
9.  Hangovers – it’s the lack of sleep and the sugar overload mostly
10.  Hollywood ‘blockbuster’ films – more often than not they suffer from being over hyped and therefore tend to under deliver.  The best lines are usually trundled out for the trailers so they fall flat when you actually see the film and I don’t think the movie mogul powers that be grant their audiences with any intelligence whatsoever.  Give us a small quirky independent or foreign film any day.

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