Oh no! Not the “F” words….

Whoa… ho!  The lists are getting harder.  But still proving worthwhile.  The weekly dose of forcing myself to think of ‘stuff I likes’ is definitely therapeutic – though Lord knows why.

List of 10 Things I Like That Start With “F”….

1.   First Kisses – memories of exciting first kisses can last a lifetime.
2.   Family – will always take you in if you’re in need.
3.   Friends – like family but we get to choose who we let in.
4.   Fruit Tingles – especially the yellow ones, must be the 211.
5.   Foreign films – they have to be exceptional to get a release here.
6.   Facebook – perverting social sensibilities since 2004.
7.   Flashman –  a roué and a coward… but fucking funny.
8.   Frozen Coke – loathe ‘the real thing’, love the frozen juice cola thing.
9.   Flanelette sheets – love the cosy fluffy feeling on my nekkid skin
10. Fahrenheit – by Christian Dior.  I absentmindedly followed a total stranger down the street once after catching the faint smell of Fahrenheit on him at a coffee shop.

flashmanList of 10 Things I Hate or Dislike That Start With “F” List

1.  Frangipannis – they’re boring, they’re trite and they’re everywhere!
2.  Family – once they get you in they never let you leave.
3.  Fox – (Network that is) they kill all the good ones.
4.  Fart jokes – only appeals to the lowest common denominator.
5.  Fine Dining w~ Small Children – fancy restaurants and kids do not mix.
6.  Fortune cookies – they’re always full of shit.
7.  Fundamentalists – shove your moral righteousness up your arse.
8.  Flowers – they’re ridiculously expensive and then they… well, die.
9.  Fingerprints – on things where fingerprints ought not be.
10.  Feminism – rabid feminist types just annoy me.  I’ve never felt ‘less than’ a man so never felt the go on the rampage about it.  But then I do have the benefits of generations having gone before me and the fortune not to be living under some hideously oppressive religious or political regime.

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