Yes I really do sound like that at the moment… ahem-hem!
Bring out your dead!
Bring out your dead!
Dontcha just love onoamatopoetic words?
No? Oh. Perhaps that’s just me…
I am not actually dead but I am soooo sick of being sick. I don’t know if it’s the copious amounts of drugs I’m on or if it’s because I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in about 12 months… but I feel like I’ve had one illness after another. Since we got back from Canberra-Babylon in August I’ve had three.. count ’em… three… separate run ins with various flu type things.
Lately I’ve been doing a rather impressive redition of "The Hideous Barking Snot Monster from Belmont"… arguably one of my best attempts in recent memoryt. It’s an aurally and visually stimulating living art installation piece that I’ve been working on for the last three days or so that explores the fragile state that is the necessity to breathe in order to avoid possible mortality . Translation for those who don’t speak Art Wanker – I’ve installed myself in the living room, am frequenly emitting simply horrid harking cough sounds, have pockets full of used tissues and am working on the whole… not dying thing.

Oh I know it’s just a headcold and one just has to ride these things out… but the worst bit is what all the coughing does to my back. Farkinell it stirs it up! So I’m trying not to do anything that brings on another of those horrible coughing fits. You know stupid things. Like having the audacity to laugh at something. It starts off as a bit of a giggle and before you know you’re coughing with a death rattle that would make a 40-a-day smoker proud and (in my case) ends up with massive pains shooting through my upper body.
Not my idea of fun people.