Full of piss and vinegar…

Last night over dinner, the small child was telling us that they are studying sea creatures at the moment and he was asking me about blue bottles (which strangely I was writing about just last week).  I told the Small Child that blue bottles are a type of jellyfish and that I was stung by one once when I was about his age…. and gave him a truncated version of how it’s sting feels like a bee sting and how they used vinegar to try and soothe it (which I just read on that Wikipedia link is NOT a recommended treatment method for treating Portugese Man O’ War/blue bottle stings!).  

To which the Small Child responded:  "What is vinegar made out of?"

Nonplussed Mom: 
*blink blink*  "Errr… I’m not sure actually… I suppose it is fermented from some sort of grain, perhaps wheat?"

How could we not know what vinegar is made from?  It’s a pantry staple and we’ve been using white vinegar, balsamic vinegar and even rice wine vinegar our whole lives?  How could we not know how it’s made?  So I grabbed a bottle of vinegar out of the pantry thinking there would be a table of ingredients listed: 

100% vinegar  

Really helpful that. Oh well.. thanks to the internets we were able to look it up

Vinegar  :  a sour liquid consisting of dilute and impure acetic acid, obtained by acetous fermentation from wine, cider, beer, ale, or the like: used as a condiment, preservative, etc.

No doubt you lot are all going to tell me that you always knew the process used to make vinegar and I’m going to look like an ignorant twat…. again.

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