My back, my back, my back is on fire.

Holy snappin’ duck shit Batman  🙁

My body is soooo pissed off with me for subjecting it to being so sedentary yesterday that is getting it’s revenge.  i have had the worst migraine headache of my life all day.  My head feels like it’s been wrapped in a halo of painful fuzziness with piercing pain through my temples and behind my eyes.  My entire head is aching so much that even my teeth feel painful.  There is also an extremely painful lower back thing going on and I can feel my heartbeat in painful pulses down my neck and across my shoulders.

On top of this I have been feeling nauseous all day from the pain which makes this the worst day to go to a local gourmet restaurant for a degustation lunch  🙁  I couldn’t eat hardly a thing so that was a good waste of $60 for me,

Double up on the drugs for me tonight i think.

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